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Bera How Much You Will Pay For This (Happy) Arowana?

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Bera How Much You Will Pay For This (Happy) Arowana?


How Much You Will Pay For This (Happy) Arowana?

Came accross this special red arowana today... How much you guys willing to pay for it? Or will you buy it at the first place...
See the video for this special red arowana..
Any clearer video ? Cant see clearly.
>bro, ps..this is the only video I took.. the tank is fill with black water so no matter how I take still very dull...
Anyway take a look of the tail part...look like a heart shape...
>Bro, what i meant is the s reen is quite small and cant see the fish in whole.
Most of the video portion is only part of body, mainly on the body, very less portion on tail.
Well, if you find the price is right and the fish is ok, why not.
>Hi bro the aro without the tail I will said see your self if u like the fish u will buy if u don like the fish will I buy bro by the way where u take the pic bro ..
>i believe from the uncle shop atlantis he always got odd body shape aro lol
>I will not buy.
But really its up to you because every fish is special
>look man-make to me, just like creating BP, i wont buy it Lahad Datu Aquarium

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